Smart Tan Certified
Q: |
Is indoor tanning the same as tanning
outside in the sun? |
A: |
When you tan at an indoor tanning facility, your
skin produces a tan the same way it does when you lay out in the sun:
through ultraviolet (UV) light. There is one important difference,
though. When you are out in the sun, you cannot control the amount of
UV light you are exposed to, because it is affected by changes in the
atmosphere. Indoor tanning is one way to regulate the amount of UV
light you are exposed to, because it is a controlled environment. You
can gradually increase your exposure time to make sure you don't get a
sunburn, which is harmful to the skin. |
Q: |
How do the beds and booths work? |
A: |
Tanning beds and booths basically imitate the
sun. The sun emits three kinds of UV rays (the ones that make you
tan). UV-C has the shortest wavelength of the three, and is also the
most harmful. The sun emits UV-C light, but then it's absorbed by the
ozone layer and pollution. Tanning lamps filter out this type of UV
light. UV-B, the middle wavelength, starts the tanning process, but
overexposure can cause sunburn. UV-A has the longest wavelength, and
it completes the tanning process. Tanning lamps use the best ratio of
UV-B and UV-A light to provide optimal tanning results, with a lowered
risk of overexposure. |
Q: |
If I never can get a tan outside
because I burn, can I get a tan indoors? |
A: |
If it takes you a while to get a tan outside, it
may be easier for you to get the color you want (brown instead of red)
by tanning indoors. You would need to start with a short exposure
time, and increase it very gradually. However, if you NEVER tan from
the sun, you will not tan from tanning lamps, since they emit the very
same tanning rays as the sun does. |
Q: |
How often should I tan? |
A: |
In order to build a tan, it is important to tan
regularly. Don't let too much time go by between visits, or your tan
will begin to fade. You can tan up to once every 24 hours, but it is
generally recommended that you wait at least 48 hours in between each
session to allow your tan to fully develop in between visits. You can
build up your tan by going to an indoor tanning facility three to four
times a week. Once you have a tan, you can maintain it by tanning two
or three times a week. |
Q: |
How long does it take to get a tan? |
A: |
Usually, you will begin to notice results after
a few tanning sessions, but it may take a few weeks of regular tanning
(at least three times a week) to get to the color you are looking for.
If you are developing a base tan before going on a trip, you would
want to start tanning about three or four weeks before you go. |
Q: |
What should I wear? |
A: |
It's totally up to you. (But long pants and
sweaters aren't recommended for good results!) Some people choose to
tan in their bathing suits or underwear, and others prefer a more
"natural" approach. Since you are in a private room while tanning, you
can wear whatever you like. The only thing required is that you do
wear eye protection every time you tan, because eyes are unable to
protect themselves from UV light, even when they are closed, and the
light can cause temporary and permanent damage to them. Many different
eye protection options are available at all tanning facilities. If you
are tanning a previously unexposed part of your body, be sure to cover
it up for part of your tanning time, so it can catch up safely with
the rest of your tan. |
Q: |
What should I ask when shopping for a
place to tan? |
A: |
There is one very important question to ask of a
tanning facility to be sure it will meet your needs. What you need to
know, obviously, is if you will get the best tan for your money. This
isn't just based on the prices, though. Be sure you don't settle for a
cheap tanning session that doesn't give you results.
Find out when the tanning bulbs were changed. Manufacturers
estimate the life of their tanning lamps at 800 or 1000 hours, but it
is important to realize that the strength of the bulbs depends on how
new they are. When bulbs are brand new, they are at their peak
strength. A bulb stays close to this peak strength for the first 150 –
250 hours. After that, the bulb strength drops sharply, stays at this
point for 400-500 hours of use, and then starts to lose intensity
until it has no tanning power at all. Be sure you tan at a place that
can tell you when the bulbs were changed last, so you know for sure
what you're getting. They should also know exactly when they will
change the bulbs again, based on the volume of people they tan, and
the number of hours on their bulbs. Just remember, the newer the
bulbs, the better the tan.
Knowing how new the bulbs are will help you determine how long you
should tan, too. If the bulbs are newer than those you are used to,
you should decrease your tanning time to prevent overexposure. |
Q: |
If I get really hot in a bed or
booth, am I getting a better tan? |
A: |
When you lay out in the sun to tan, you usually
get really hot, so many times this is associated with getting tan.
However, although the heat and the UV light both come from the sun,
only the UV light affects tanning. This is why skiers can get sunburn
in the middle of winter. If the sun is out, there is UV light reaching
you, even when it's cold out. The same thing is true with tanning
bulbs. If you get too hot while tanning, it could indicate that there
isn't enough air conditioning at that facility, or the ventilation is
poor. You should be comfortable while tanning. Since heat won't give
you better results - why put up with it? |
Q: |
When shouldn't I tan? |
A: |
It is not recommended to tan, either outdoors or
indoors, if you are taking photosensitizing medication. If you aren't
sure, ask your doctor, or ask a tanning consultant at your tanning
facility to see a list of these medications, which can greatly
increase the risk of overexposure. You should also avoid tanning if
you are pregnant, due to the heat, unless your doctor approves it. |
Q: |
Do I need to wear lotion when
tanning indoors? |
A: |
You don't need to wear an SPF (Sun Protection
Factor) lotion when you tan indoors because these lotions, by nature,
are designed to allow you to spend a longer time in the sun. For
example, an SPF 8 would allow you to stay in the sun 8 times longer
than you normally could. Since you are controlling your exposure time
when tanning indoors, you don't need to use an SPF. You should also
avoid using outdoor oils when you tan indoors. These oils will make
the acrylic dirty and prevent you from tanning. However, there are
products specifically designed for indoor tanning, that help
moisturize the skin while helping you tan faster. These can be
purchased at most tanning facilities and should be used to help you
get the best result possible. |
RESERVED www.expressotan.com |